City of Bozeman begins offering paid parental leave – City of Bozeman Career Opportunities

20 January 2022

Expecting and adoptive parents who work for the city of Bozeman now have access to weeks of paid parental leave under a new policy.

The city is now offering eight weeks of paid leave to employees after a birth or adoption, city manager Jeff Mihelich announced in a news release Tuesday.

Either parent will be eligible for the policy, according to the release, and employees will have to have been with the city for at least 180 days to qualify. Previously, the city had paid leave options, but no formal parental paid leave.

“We know that people unfortunately have to make a decision sometimes to either have children or adopt a child, or stay employed, and we don’t want people to have to do that,” Mihelich said Tuesday.



City of Bozeman Career Opportunities

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