30 April 2022
A look at new proposal requirements in the DoD 22.2/B and other active BAAs with Jim Greenwood on May 4
Register here: https://bit.ly/DODSBIR2
The Department of Defense (DoD) SBIR/STTR 22.2/B broad agency announcement (BAA) is opening soon and there are additional component and CSO offerings active now. If you have an innovative early-stage technology that may help provide strategic advantage to our armed services, join us to learn more about small business seed funding available through the many components of the DoD, including Navy, Air Force, Army, and DARPA. Ann Peterson and Jim Greenwood will share key changes and new proposal requirements in this BAA and discuss strategies you can take to make sure you prepare a competitive proposal.
Who should attend: Small businesses considering or planning to submit SBIR/STTR proposals for the DoD 22.2/B or other component SBIR/STTR broad agency announcements.
When: Wednesday May 4, 2022 at 10AM MDT
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